The Importance of a Health Insurance Agent

Life insurance agents sell policies that pay the beneficiaries of the policy when the insured person dies. They also sell annuities that promise a retirement income after customers pass the age where they are able to work steadily. Health insurance agents sell policies that cover medical costs, including dental plans and disability plans. Property insurance agents sell policies that protect customers against the theft, destruction, or loss of their homes, cars, and valuables

Types of insurance agents

Anyone selling insurance of any kind must be licensed by the state in which they practice. Insurance sales agents who are tied to one company are known as captive agents; self-directed, or independent, insurance agents are brokers who represent multiple companies and have access to a greater number of policies and rate structures as a result. In either case, insurance sales agents must prepare reports and preserve records for each of their clients.

What they do?

The success of an insurance agent depends on his ability to recruit and retain customers as well as his status among his social group and clientele. One of the difficulties inherent in the insurance business is the sheer number of options available to clients; people tend to buy insurance and take insurance advice from someone they perceive as being trustworthy.

Influence of internet

The internet has served in some ways as a threat to insurance agents, making it easier for individuals to research and purchase insurance without relying on the advice of a licensed agent. Still, in the near future, it is expected that the employment market for insurance agents will increase by 10-15 percent. The increase can be attributed to the fact that a large number of people still value the bond created through face-to-face contact with an agent.

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